Dahlia's Socials

Just a place to keep all my social links!

My instagram

brand new Instagram account dedicated to my artwork. will probably take the place of DeviantArt from now on. its still a work in progress as i get my footing on a new platform

basically completely inactive here, but if you wanna take a look at my old art I'm not gonna deactivate my account just yet

My DeviantArt

My Discord

Although I'm not really good at remembering people and friends while on discord, I'll gladly chat with anyone who wants to! But I usually have notifications off and I rarely check my chats, so discord is usually kinda slow if you're looking for a chat. kind of a last resort communication app if you cant get a hold of me anywhere else.


My ToyHou.se

I managed to get my hands on a TH code, and I'm slowly moving my characters onto my profile. It's a work in progress, and although I don't know all the ins and outs of the website, that's where I'll be storing my characters from now on.

My ArtFight

I've been on artfight since 2018 now, and it's the one time every year that I get excited to draw. Follow me there to draw my characters in hopes of me drawing yours!


Thank you for checking out my Carrd, and have a wonderful day/night!

Background art, photography, and edit all belong to their rightful owner(s)